Author: Pamela Steele
Technical area: Human resources
Document type: Tools and guides
Language: English
Author: Accenture, Geoff Deines
Technical area: Human resources, Private sector
Document type: Technical briefs
Language: English
This section of the landscape analysis facilitated by Project Optimize highlights ongoing work and critical gaps related to human resources. As human resource policies provide immunization supply systems with adequate numbers of competent, motivated, and empowered personnel at all levels of the health system, they are essential to overcome existing... Read more
Author: Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), World Health Organization (WHO)
Technical area:
Document type: Technical briefs
Language: English
The Human Resources Management Assessment Approach is designed to guide policy-makers, managers, and human resources practitioners toward better understanding and responding to the HRM challenges facing their health systems. The approach promotes the collection and analysis of information on defined HRM challenges and informs the development of policy, strategy, systems,... Read more
Author: Capacity Plus, Jim McCaffery, Training Resources Group, Inc. (TRG), Margaret Caffrey, Liverpool Associates in Tropical Health (LATH), Paul Marsden, Liverpool Associates in Tropical Health (LATH)
Technical area: Human resources
Document type:
Language: English
The Association for Operations Management (APICS) developed the Supply Chain Manager Competency Model to guide individuals considering careers in supply chain management, supply chain professionals seeking to advance their positions, and human resource managers who are hiring in this fast growing field.... Read more
Author: The Association for Operations Management (APICS)
Technical area: Human resources
Document type:
Language: English
The Association for Operations Management (APICS) developed the Distribution and Logistics Managers Competency Model to Guide individuals considering careers in distribution and logistics management, distribution and logistics management professionals seeking to advance their positions, and human resource managers who are hiring in thie field.... Read more
Author: The Association for Operations Management (APICS)
Technical area: Human resources
Document type:
Language: English
The Association for Operations Management (APICS) developed competency models as actionable tools to allow professionals to rank their skills and identify areas for improvement. APICS developed the Buyer/Planner Competency Model to guide individuals considering careers in buying and planning, buyer/planner professionals seeking to advance their positions, and human resource managers... Read more
Author: The Association for Operations Management (APICS)
Technical area: Human resources, Procurement
Document type:
Language: English
The Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics Competency Model is depicted in a graphic form and described in the accompanied narrative. It outlines the competencies for these professions based on the specialization and specificity of the application of skills.... Read more
Author: U.S. Department of Labor
Technical area: Human resources
Document type:
Language: English
This report outlines a proposed framework of behavorial and technical competencies that should be generally applicable for the pharmacy workforce worldwide. The draft framework has been through an iterative process, and seeks further validation from practitioners worldwide.... Read more
Author: FIP Pharmacy Education Taskforce
Technical area: Human resources
Document type:
Language: English