Author: Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), World Health Organization (WHO)
Technical area: cold chain
Document type: Technical briefs
Language: English
As part of the project Optimize traveling exhibit, this banner illustrates the concept of integrating vaccines with other health products in streamlined supply chains. It highlights Senegal’s “moving warehouse,” which was introduced to offer a better system of distribution down the chain. Rather than having health facilities collect vaccines and supplies,... Read more
Author: Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), World Health Organization (WHO)
Technical area: Storage and distribution
Document type: Technical briefs
Language: English
This evidence brief, developed by project Optimize, examines the benefits, challenges, and rationale for integrating vaccine supply chains with the supply chains of other health commodities. It provides agencies, donors, decision-makers, and partners with a brief overview of supply chain integration and lessons learned during project Optimize’s demonstration activities in... Read more
Author: Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), World Health Organization (WHO)
Technical area: cold chain, Forecasting and supply planning, LMIS, Procurement, Storage and distribution
Document type: Technical briefs
Language: English
Project Optimize, a five-year partnership between the World Health Organization (WHO) and PATH, conducted a small implementation activity in South Sudan. The goal of the activity was to test the feasibility and usefulness of implementing a mobile and cloud-based vaccine stock management information system capable of providing EPI staff at... Read more
Author: Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), World Health Organization (WHO)
Technical area: cold chain, LMIS
Document type: Country reports
Language: English
Author: Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), Project Optimize, World Health Organization (WHO)
Technical area: cold chain, Finance and costing, Private sector, Storage and distribution
Document type: Technical briefs
Language: English
This evidence brief from Project Optimize describes the growing need for off-grid cooling solutions and provides an evaluation of two technologies designed to overcome off-grid cooling challenges.... Read more
Author: Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), World Health Organization (WHO)
Technical area: cold chain
Document type: Country reports
Language: English
This project Optimize document provides supply chain managers in low- and middle-income countries with an overview of the potential benefits of outsourcing components of their vaccine logistics systems to the private sector. It also provides practical advice on determining whether outsourcing is a viable option.... Read more
Author: Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), World Health Organization (WHO)
Technical area: Private sector
Document type:
Language: English
This short technical brief outlines the opportunities, risks, and recommended best practices associated with ocean shippment of vaccines.... Read more
Author: Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), World Health Organization (WHO)
Technical area: cold chain, Storage and distribution
Document type:
Language: English
This section of the landscape analysis facilitated by Project Optimize highlights ongoing work and critical gaps related to human resources. As human resource policies provide immunization supply systems with adequate numbers of competent, motivated, and empowered personnel at all levels of the health system, they are essential to overcome existing... Read more
Author: Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), World Health Organization (WHO)
Technical area:
Document type: Technical briefs
Language: English
This fact sheet describes a selection of solar energy solutions being developed by the WHO and PATH to solve storage and transportation challenges in areas what have unreliable or unavailable power sources.... Read more
Author: Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), World Health Organization (WHO)
Technical area: cold chain
Document type:
Language: English