IAPHL Webinars and Tools
- JSI and IAPHL’s COVID-19 ESFT Excel Supply Planning tool is designed to compliment the WHO COVID-19 Essential Supplies Forecasting Tool (EFST). For a walkthrough of this simple tool, view the recording of IAPHL’s September 25, 2020 webinar below.
- WHO’s COVID-19 Essential Supplies Forecasting Tool (EFST). For more information, view IAPHL’s June 9, 2020 webinar recording below.
General Resources
- COVID-19 Data Explorer: Global Humanitarian Operations shows general trends in the COVID-19 pandemic.
- WHO and UNICEF guidance on developing a national deployment and vaccination plan for COVID-19 vaccines. This document is intended to guide national governments in developing and updating their national deployment and vaccination plan (NDVP) for COVID-19 vaccines, and is directed at national authorities who are responsible for managing deployment, implementation and monitoring of COVID-19 vaccines, as well as partners who provide the required support.
- “How to Make Your Warehouse a Safe Environment During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond” by IAPHL member, Burt Sims.
- The Logistics Cluster is compiling various helpful tools and information.
- The Devex article “COVID-19 disruptions on health supply chains a challenge for aid orgs” contains actions from various partners you may work with.
- Knowledge Gateway has launched a spreadsheet of potentialCOVID-19 digital health solutions.
- i+solutions has a free COVID-19 quantification mini course available on www.iplusacademy.org.
- GHSC-PSM resource page with existing and new guidance; Webinar discussing how the Emergency Supply Chain Playbook can help respond to COVID-19.
- ICT4D Conference Webinar Series ICT for COVID-19 Response: Lessons learned from Digital Applications for Disease Monitoring and Preparedness
- Medications to avoid in COVID-19
- Africa CDC daily updates on COVID-19 and relevant resources.
- UNICEF System Planning Tool is an Excel-based, customizable tool that can be used to plan oxygen delivery systems from source to patient. This tool can be used to support high-level healthcare budgeting and planning needs related to oxygen, including health and procurement specialists and oxygen technology stakeholders.
- PATH Guidance and resources on the use of oxygen for COVID-19 and beyond, including an Oxygen Needs Tracker that allows users to adjust hospitalization rate and clinical assumptions to calculate the oxygen need for COVID-19 across the globe.
Tuberculosis (TB)
Sexual and Reproductive Health
- WHO Interim Guidance on Covid-19 and SRHR: WHO has published interim guidance on Clinical Management of Severe Acute Respiratory Infections when novel coronavirus is suspected. This guidance includes information on caring for pregnant women with COVID-19 as well as information on caring for infants and mothers with COVID-19, intrapartum care (IPC) and breastfeeding. In addition, WHO has published resources including Frequently Asked Questions about Covid-19 and, child birth and breastfeeding.
- The SOLIDARITY Trial led by WHO and Partners: This is a large, international study designed to generate the robust data we need to show which treatments are the most effective. The trial provides simplified procedures to enable even hospitals that have been overloaded to participate. The trial uses an adaptive design, with five initial arms: 1) the usual care that is provided to the patients in the country; 2) Remdesivir 3) Lopinavir/Ritonavir; 4) Lopinavir/Ritonavir with interferon beta and 5) includes chloroquine. Many countries have already confirmed that they will join the SOLIDARITY trial – Argentina, Bahrain, Canada, France, Iran, Norway, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland and Thailand.
- Gender and Sexual and Reproductive Health Digest. Columbia University School of Public Health has set up a Digest where you can receive updates on new publications, research and other materials related to addressing Gender and SRHR issues around Covid-19. Sign up here.
- UNFPA Technical Brief on Covid-19 and a Gender Lens: Disease outbreaks affect women and men differently, and pandemics make existing inequalities for women and girls and discrimination of other marginalized groups such as persons with disabilities and those in extreme poverty, worse. This brief discusses these issues and others as we consider Covid-19 and gender.
- FP2020 COVID-19 resource page
- Recoding of Webinar on COVID-19 and SRHR organized by SRHM Journal