The objective of this review is to survey published documentation regarding health workers’ capacity for supply chain management (SCM) in developing countries to provide insight about information gaps and needs for SCM workforce excellence. The primary goal of this document is to provide an initial evidence base to inform advocacy... Read more
Author: People That Deliver
Technical area: Human resources
Document type:
Language: French
This document describes a logistics management unit, how it can be structured, the reasons for advocacy, and suggestions on how to begin. Also included are illustrations using country examples.... Read more
Technical area:
Document type: Technical briefs
Language: French
Participation in the early warning system allows countries to communicate up-to-date data and supply needs to in-country stakeholders and donors.... Read more
Technical area: M&E
Document type:
Language: French
The purpose of this document is to share lessons learned in decentralized distribution of LLINs. It is intended for national malaria control programs and partners involved in procuring, importing, and distributing LLINs.... Read more
Author: Roll Back Malaria
Technical area: Storage and distribution
Document type:
Language: French
The Assessment Tool for Laboratory Services and Supply Chains (ATLAS) is a diagnostic and monitoring data gathering tool developed to assess laboratory services and logistics. The information collected by using the ATLAS is analyzed to identify issues and opportunities and to outline further assessment and/or appropriate interventions.... Read more
Technical area:
Document type: Tools and guides
Language: French
This brief describes the nationwide scale up of ITNs in Zambia to achieve an average of 3 ITNs per household. It compares different methods and results, in terms of costs and time required, for two mass ITN distribution models (centralized versus de-centralized).... Read more
Author: Abdirahman Mohamed, Cecilia Katebe, Zambia Ministry of Health, Fay Venegas, PATH, John Miller, MPH, PATH MACEPA, Kafula Silumbe, PATH MACEPA, Paul C. Libiszowski, MBA, PATH MACEPA, Richard W. Steketee, MD, MPH, PATH MACEPA, Roll Back Malaria
Technical area: Storage and distribution
Document type:
Language: French
Le Manuel de logistique reprend les principaux aspects de la gestion logistique, avec un accent sur les produits contraceptifs. Le texte devrait s’avérer utile aux responsables qui travaillent quotidiennement avec des approvisionnements, ainsi qu’aux responsables chargés d’évaluer et de concevoir des systèmes logistiques pour des programmes en entier. Les principaux... Read more
Technical area:
Document type: Tools and guides
Language: French
Burundi: évaluation de la distribution de routine de moustiquaires imprégnées d’insecticide de longue durée d’action.... Read more
Author: Katherine Wolf, USAID | DELIVER PROJECT
Technical area:
Document type: Country reports
Language: French
A list of key points that should be followed by all storage facilities along the supply chain to ensure quality health commodities for the end user.... Read more
Technical area: Storage and distribution
Document type:
Language: French
This fact sheet briefly describes innovations in cold chain storage and transport for vaccines, and describes how they are currently being used in Vietnam, Tunisia, and Senegal.... Read more
Author: Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), World Health Organization (WHO)
Technical area: cold chain
Document type:
Language: French