This brief describes the nationwide scale up of ITNs in Zambia to achieve an average of 3 ITNs per household. It compares different methods and results, in terms of costs and time required, for two mass ITN distribution models (centralized versus de-centralized).
Solutions optimisées de distribution de moustiquaires imprégnées d’insecticide (MII) pour l’intensification de la lutte contre le paludisme
Author: Abdirahman Mohamed, Cecilia Katebe, Zambia Ministry of Health, Fay Venegas, PATH, John Miller, MPH, PATH MACEPA, Kafula Silumbe, PATH MACEPA, Paul C. Libiszowski, MBA, PATH MACEPA, Richard W. Steketee, MD, MPH, PATH MACEPA, Roll Back Malaria
Technical area: Storage and distribution
Document type:
Language: French