Description: Welcome to the expanded consultation on technical assistance and health supply chains. UNICEF and global partners have been working on developing an approach that can drive collective alignment towards a country-owned, sustainable model of technical assistance (TA) using a continuous improvement approach. The COVID-19 pandemic has made evident the... Read more
Technical areas:
capacity building, human resources, policy, rsimon
November-December 2016: Renne Van de Weerdt, senior technical advisor for Reproductive Health Commodities at UNFPA, Jennie Greaney, technical specialist in the Commodity Security Branch at UNFPA and Charles Otine, innovation specialist at UNFPA moderated a discussion on the use of drones, or the preferred term, unstaffed aerial vehicles (UAV), as a... Read more
Technical areas:
policy, technology, transport
In November 2014, IAPHL members discussed the logistics of maintaining laboratory equipment. This discussion served as a follow up to the earlier discussion on the maintenance of supply chain assets led by Clinton de Souza. In this discussion members looked specifically at the special needs and challenges of maintaining lab equipment to minimize... Read more
Technical areas:
laboratory, policy
Members discussed their experiences and perspectives on as they collectively discussed an accurate and all-encompassing definition of a “public health supply chain.” This discussion was moderated by Kossivi Agbelenko Afanvi (Ministry of Health, Togo). Original message: Some initial attempts were made to define supply chain in the health care system.... Read more
Technical areas: