Technical areas: M&E

Quantification of Health Commodities

May-June 2017: A collection of experts led the discussion on the quantification of health commodities. The following topics were moderated by different groups of experts: 1. Country Experiences. Moderated by Wambui Waithaka, regional technical advisor with JSI and Gilbert Mateshi, program manager with Clinton Health Access Initiative. 2. Country Processes and Tools. Moderated by Irene Agyemang, team... Read more

Technical areas: M&E, technology

Using M&E to Drive Supply Chain Improvement

October-November 2016: A collection of global experts led the discussion on how to use data from monitoring and evaluation to guide supply chain strategies, policies, decisions and technical assistance. The following three topics were moderated by different groups of experts: 1. People and process solutions for improved data-driven decision making.... Read more

Technical areas: M&E