Technical areas: emergency response

Achieving Shorter Procurement Lead Times during Emergencies

Moderated by the IAPHL Health Commodity Logistics sub-community and Building Capacity to Improve Health Commodity Management in Humanitarian and Disaster Settings Project, this moderated discussion brought together experts from UNFPA, JSI, and PFSCM. A major consideration when opting for international procurement is lead time. Procurements can be delayed for many... Read more

Technical areas: emergency response, humanitarian, procurement, rsimon

Reviewing the Logistical Response from Ebola

August 2016: IAPHL colleagues discussed the Ebola outbreak and how it affected their supply chains. Specifically, how was the Ebola outbreak different from other supply chain challenges such as HIV and AIDS? For chronic and comparatively unchanging diseases, logisticians can plan and develop a static supply chain, but acute outbreaks... Read more

Technical areas: emergency response