The discussion began by aligning on key definitions. Gender equity is the process of being fair to people of all genders. Social inclusion is any set of actions or interventions designed to enable each person or community to fully participate in society and enjoy a safe and healthy life despite... Read more
Technical areas:
gender, human resources, social inclusion, rsimon
Description: Welcome to the expanded consultation on technical assistance and health supply chains. UNICEF and global partners have been working on developing an approach that can drive collective alignment towards a country-owned, sustainable model of technical assistance (TA) using a continuous improvement approach. The COVID-19 pandemic has made evident the... Read more
Technical areas:
capacity building, human resources, policy, rsimon
IAPHL’s first moderated discussion for 2019 began on February 4. The topic is on “The Role of Leadership in Advancing Health Supply Chain Accountability in the Public Sector”. The discussion is being moderated by Innocent Ibegbunam, a supply chain expert with the USAID Global Health Supply Chain Program – Procurement... Read more
Technical areas:
human resources, performance-based incentives, imker
September 2016: Bar codes play a crucial role in the health supply chain, ensuring the right materials and products are available to the end user, while increasing accuracy and reducing processing and data collection time. The following topics were moderated by different groups of experts: Barcoding basics: Understanding what barcoding... Read more
Technical areas:
human resources, M&E, technology