This evidence brief from Project Optimize describes the growing need for off-grid cooling solutions and provides an evaluation of two technologies designed to overcome off-grid cooling challenges.... Read more
Author: Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), World Health Organization (WHO)
Technical area: cold chain
Document type: Country reports
Language: English
The purpose of this report is to serve as the basis for publishable articles which will provide the international public health community with a description of how SCMS Vietnam planned, implemented, and evaluated an underutilized, cost-effective, and successful training methodology (self-instructional training manual) for dispensing antiretroviral medicines.... Read more
Author: Dao Nguyen, Hoang My Gerard, Juanita Folmsbee, Marcia D. Garb, Supply Chain Management System (SCMS)
Technical area: Human resources
Document type:
Language: English
This fact sheet describes a selection of solar energy solutions being developed by the WHO and PATH to solve storage and transportation challenges in areas what have unreliable or unavailable power sources.... Read more
Author: Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), World Health Organization (WHO)
Technical area: cold chain
Document type:
Language: English
This fact sheet describes a selection of solar energy solutions being developed by the WHO and PATH to solve storage and transportation challenges in areas what have unreliable or unavailable power sources.... Read more
Author: Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), World Health Organization (WHO)
Technical area: cold chain
Document type:
Language: French
This fact sheet briefly describes innovations in cold chain storage and transport for vaccines, and describes how they are currently being used in Vietnam, Tunisia, and Senegal.... Read more
Author: Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), World Health Organization (WHO)
Technical area: cold chain
Document type:
Language: French
This fact sheet briefly describes innovations in cold chain storage and transport for vaccines, and describes how they are currently being used in Vietnam, Tunisia, and Senegal.... Read more
Author: Paul Marsden, Liverpool Associates in Tropical Health (LATH), World Health Organization (WHO)
Technical area: cold chain
Document type:
Language: English