Technical area: Human resources

L’Excellence du personnel de santé: Gestion de la chaîne d’approvisionnement, Analyse documentaire

The objective of this review is to survey published documentation regarding health workers’ capacity for supply chain management (SCM) in developing countries to provide insight about information gaps and needs for SCM workforce excellence. The primary goal of this document is to provide an initial evidence base to inform advocacy... Read more

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Excelencia del personal en la gerencia de la cadena de abastecimiento de insumos médicos: Revisión de documentos

The objective of this review is to survey published documentation regarding health workers’ capacity for supply chain management (SCM) in developing countries to provide insight about information gaps and needs for SCM workforce excellence. The primary goal of this document is to provide an initial evidence base to inform advocacy... Read more

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Workforce Excellence in Health Supply Chain Management: Literature Review

The objective of this review is to survey published documentation regarding health workers’ capacity for supply chain management (SCM) in developing countries to provide insight about information gaps and needs for SCM workforce excellence. The primary goal of this document is to provide an initial evidence base to inform advocacy... Read more

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Self-instructional Training for New Medicine Dispensers in Vietnam

The purpose of this report is to serve as the basis for publishable articles which will provide the international public health community with a description of how SCMS Vietnam planned, implemented, and evaluated an underutilized, cost-effective, and successful training methodology (self-instructional training manual) for dispensing antiretroviral medicines.... Read more

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Improving Health Outcomes through Sustainable Health Workforce Excellence in Supply Chain Management White Paper, 3rd Edition

This paper describes the need for sustainable, reliable, well performing health supply chains in order to assure access to health supplies, and thus for positive health outcomes. Limitations on supply chain performance stem, inpart, from the lack of a qualified supply chain workforce within health systems, which in turn is... Read more

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