Procurement bottlenecks can result in stockouts and shortages of essential supplies. This brief describes successful approaches used in the field to address procurement bottlenecks... Read more
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This report documents the successes in overcoming procurement bottlenecks, in particular, those that occur at the first mile of the procurement cycle (planning and budgeting; purchasing activity; contract management) of public sector supply chains for medicine. It presents a set of 14 short case studies from various developing countries that... Read more
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This guide describes suggested key indicators that can be helpful in tracking the performance of various aspects of a procurement system. The guide provides the following information for each indicator: the formula for calculating the indicator, guidance on setting an appropriate target level, where to find the data needed to... Read more
Technical area: Procurement
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Language: English
The Annual AMDS Partners Meeting noted that laboratory items are numerous and create serious challenges to procurement agencies. Significant progress has been made in the evaluation, prequalification, technical guidance, and generic technical specifications of laboratory items which could be used by procurement agencies and other partners involved in strengthening laboratory... Read more
Author: World Health Organization (WHO)
Technical area: Procurement
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Language: English
This brief describes the evolution of contraceptive procurement in the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region, highlighting how LAC countries monitored and evaluated key data when making performance improvements. By introducing and monitoring key indicators, they were able to smooth the procurement process and improve procurement performance.... Read more
Technical area: Procurement
Document type: Country reports
Language: English
The Logistics Handbook, offers practical guidance in managing the supply chain, with an emphasis on health commodities. This chapter of the handbook details the procurement process for the public health sector, stakeholder involvement, common challenges, and the procurement manager’s role in supporting health commodity procurement.... Read more
Technical area: Procurement
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Language: English
This technical brief discusses that without a well-planned procurement process, HIV/AIDS programs in developing countries risk stockouts, costly emergency purchases and overpurchasing. To leverage economies of scale in procurement, SCMS provides a consolidated procurement mechanism that results in lower prices, increased coordination between suppliers and recipients, and improved product quality.... Read more
Author: Supply Chain Management System (SCMS)
Technical area: Procurement
Document type: Technical briefs
Language: English
The primer aims to serve as a quick and accessible reference guide that provides practical advice to help maximize resources available for procurement and to provide practical tips to help staff involved in contraceptive procurement improve their management practices and efficiency.... Read more
Technical area: Procurement
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Language: English
This document presents 12 core indicators for monitoring and evaluating procurement and supply management (PSM) at the national level. Six of the 12 indicators are defined as early-warning indicators of stock-outs and overstocking of medicines, which, in this document, are antiretroviral agents (ARVs) and medicines to treat tuberculosis and malaria.... Read more
Author: World Health Organization (WHO)
Technical area: M&E, Procurement
Document type:
Language: English
The purpose of this guide is to inform those carrying out a program that is financed through a Global Fund grant of the policies and principles that govern the procurement and supply management of health products financed by the Global Fund.... Read more
Technical area: Procurement
Document type:
Language: English