This guide should be used with the main guide—Quantification of Health Commodities: A Guide to Forecasting and Supply Planning for Procurement. The companion guide will assist program managers, service providers, and technical experts when conducting a quantification of commodity needs and costs for short-acting, long-acting, and permanent methods of contraception. The guide describes the steps in forecasting consumption of contraceptive supplies; after which, to complete the quantification, the users should refer to the main quantification guide for the supply planning step. This companion guide also presents a suggested forecasting methodology for the long-acting and permanent methods of contraception (LA/PM) which includes the additional medical instruments, expendable medical supplies, pain management drugs, and infection prevention supplies required to provide quality LA/PM services.

Quantification of Health Commodities: Contraceptive Companion Guide, Forecasting Consumption of Contraceptive Supplies

Quantification of Health Commodities: Contraceptive Companion Guide, Forecasting Consumption of Contraceptive Supplies

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