World AIDS Day–Family Planning and HIV Integrated Supply Chains

For more than 15 years, the USAID |  DELIVER PROJECT (the project) and its predecessor projects have worked with country governments, nongovernmental organizations, and the commercial sector to ensure the availability of HIV and AIDS commodities, and other essential medicines, at service delivery points in developing countries. To commemorate World... Read more

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SPARHCS: Strategic Pathway to Reproductive Health Commodity Security, A Tool for Assessment, Planning, and Implementation

This tool can help countries develop and implement strategies to secure essential supplies for family planning and reproductive health programs.... Read more

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Regional Approach Improves Access to Contraceptives in Latin America: Creating Sustainable Family Planning Programs through Country Collaboration

An in-depth overview of the Latin America and Caribbean Contraceptive Regional Initiative. Since 2003 the initiative has seen major accomplishments through shared lessons and solutions such as increased use of contraceptives and sustaining programs in countries where USAID donations are being phased out.... Read more

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Quantification of Health Commodities: Contraceptive Companion Guide, Forecasting Consumption of Contraceptive Supplies

This guide should be used with the main guide—Quantification of Health Commodities: A Guide to Forecasting and Supply Planning for Procurement. The companion guide will assist program managers, service providers, and technical experts when conducting a quantification of commodity needs and costs for short-acting, long-acting, and permanent methods of contraception.... Read more

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Le Manuel de logistique: guide pratique à l’attention des responsables de la chaîne d’approvisionnement dans le cadre des programmes de santé et de planification familiale

Le Manuel de logistique reprend les principaux aspects de la gestion logistique, avec un accent sur les produits contraceptifs. Le texte devrait s’avérer utile aux responsables qui travaillent quotidiennement avec des approvisionnements, ainsi qu’aux responsables chargés d’évaluer et de concevoir des systèmes logistiques pour des programmes en entier. Les principaux... Read more

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The Contraceptive Forecasting Handbook for Family Planning and HIV/AIDS Prevention Programs

This is a reference book for forecasting commodity needs for family planning and HIV/AIDS prevention programs. It includes information regarding methodological considerations, data sources, techniques, preparation, validation, and monitoring forecasts of consumption and forecasting for new programs.... Read more

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Analysis del Mercado Anticonceptivos Nicaragua

El análisis de segmentación de mercado constituye una de las herramientas principales para conocer el mercado de anticonceptivos, visualizar dónde se están focalizando los recursos e identificar problemas de acceso y equidad entre quintiles socio-económicos. Este análisis muestra que los esfuerzos por expandir el acceso y el uso de planificación... Read more

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