Dear friends and colleagues,
Greetings from Abuja!
IAPHL membership has hit the 5000 mark! Hip Hip Hooray! As of December 7, 2017, our association is 5074 member-strong from 142 countries. To keep you abreast of our growth and robust diversity we have created a few graphics from the analyses of membership numbers for your information; please click here to enjoy that offering.
Many, many thanks to all 68 of you friends and colleagues who made our IAPHL side event at the GHSC summit in Accra engaging and fun. It was an excellent opportunity for us to meet and exchange ideas; one of my favorite was from a colleague who said he read every single mail on the forum and many of his work decisions were informed by these contributions. He however had never written a mail to the listserv himself . We agreed that going forward, we would really love to hear from him! If you are like him, please send in your comments and thoughts…. they are much appreciated and can help a colleague on the other side of the world do his job that bit better.
To underline how much we value your contributions, we are presenting two members who made the most contributions to forum discussions in November; Chris Warren and Olga Eton Thank you both so very much!
As you probably already know, the reproductive health supplies coalition (RHSC) meeting is now rescheduled for March 20-22, 2018 in Brussels. IAPHL will conduct a side-meeting during this conference. If you are attending, please plan on spending an hour with fellow IAPHL members and potential new members. I will appreciate your suggestions on what we could talk about during the meet and greet. Kindly share your thoughts and comments to me at
In the coming week, the IAPHL team will administer the association’s 2017 survey. Please set aside a few minutes to take the survey. We have included a few questions to facilitate the building of a members’ skills matrix which will in turn inform the creation of mentors/mentees grouping in our planned mentorship program.
Let me leave you all with the very best wishes for a Merry Christmas season and a Happy and Healthy 2018!
Yours truly,
Liz Igharo
Executive Director, IAPHL
December 12, 2017