Guide for Quantifying ARV Drugs

The primary focus and purpose of this guide is to describe the process and the methodologies used for quantifying antiretroviral (ARV) drug needs. Quantification of health commodities is a process that includes estimating the quantities and the cost of products required to meet customer demand and to fill the pipeline... Read more

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A Guide for Preparing, Mapping, and Linking Logistics Data to a Geographic Information System, February 2012

This guide is an introduction on how to integrate logistics management information systems (LMIS) with geographic information systems (GIS). The aim of this guide is to assist logistics managers, decisionmakers and technical experts in understanding the value of integrating GIS and of the process involved in integrating these two systems.... Read more

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Supply Chain Models and Considerations for Community-Based Distribution Programs: A Program Manager’s Guide, August 2010

This document provides guidance in the design of systems for community-based distribution (CBD) programs for program managers and other stakeholders in designing and implementing stronger and more sustainable supply chains for their CBD programs. The guide is intended to serve as a resource of tools that can be modified and... Read more

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Quantification of Health Commodities: ARV Companion Guide: Forecasting ARV Drugs Using the Morbidity Method

The primary focus and purpose of the ARV companion guide is to describe the process and the methods used for forecasting ARV drug needs. To be used in conjunction with Quantification of Health Commodities: A guide to Forecasting and Supply Planning for Procurement.... Read more

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