Throughout September, IAPHL members discussed the role of multiplicity in public health supply chains, and shared experiences that they have had with multiplicity in their own countries. The discussion was facilitated by Alan Bornbusch (USAID) and James Bates (JSI), who recently published a paper about multiplicity in Global Health: Science and Practice. Read more…
In this discussion, multiplicity is defined by the facilitators as “structuring a supply system to take advantage of multiple supply chains or supply chain segments” and other participants share their own views on how it can be defined and applied in their work. Multiplicity as a risk management strategy is emphasized by many contributors, as is the importance of establishing a controlled multiplicity. In this discussion, participants share examples of introducing (or expanding) multiplicity in a supply system, and the factors were that contributed to its success or failure.
Click here to view a summary of this discussion on the IAPHL Blog.