Dear IAPHL Members,
I hope this letter finds you well during these very challenging times.
There is not a lot to report for February. We held our monthly English speaking meeting with the Chapter Leaders as well as one for Francophone countries. A lot of what is happening is at the country chapter level, which is great. Chapters continue to utilize their small grants to hold vital membership meetings, workshops and to get registered. The good news is that we have received an extension from BMG Foundation until the end of this year, so we have been able to allow more time for some chapters to complete their activities and for some to propose new activities for new grants.
The secretariat has been very busy this month with our preparations for the Advisory Group meetings to be held in March. This is a pivotal time for IAPHL. We now have been in existence for more than 14 years! We are still growing in membership. However, we need to take time to clarify our vision for IAPHL and to map out a three-year strategy going forward. We will be sharing the ideas coming out of the Advisory Group discussion with the members for comments.
There has been grave concern with the lack of real technical discussions on our platform which is vital for a community of practice such as ours. So please know that every member’s opinions and experiences are important to share with our over 8,000 members. We look forward to hearing from you.
All the best,
Walter Proper, Executive Director