The objective of this review is to survey published documentation regarding health workers’ capacity for supply chain management (SCM) in developing countries to provide insight about information gaps and needs for SCM workforce excellence. The primary goal of this document is to provide an initial evidence base to inform advocacy... Read more
Author: People That Deliver
Technical area: Human resources
Document type:
Language: French
The objective of this review is to survey published documentation regarding health workers’ capacity for supply chain management (SCM) in developing countries to provide insight about information gaps and needs for SCM workforce excellence. The primary goal of this document is to provide an initial evidence base to inform advocacy... Read more
Author: People That Deliver
Technical area: Human resources
Document type:
Language: Spanish
The objective of this review is to survey published documentation regarding health workers’ capacity for supply chain management (SCM) in developing countries to provide insight about information gaps and needs for SCM workforce excellence. The primary goal of this document is to provide an initial evidence base to inform advocacy... Read more
Author: People That Deliver
Technical area: Human resources
Document type:
Language: English
This guide is a practical reference for those managing or involved in setting up a storeroom or warehouse. It contains written directions and clear illustrations on receiving and arranging commodities; special storage conditions; tracking commodities; maintaining the quality of the products; constructing and designing a medical store; and waste management;... Read more
Author: USAID | DELIVER PROJECT, World Health Organization (WHO)
Technical area: Storage and distribution
Document type: Tools and guides
Language: English
A list of key points that should be followed by all storage facilities along the supply chain to ensure quality health commodities for the end user.... Read more
Technical area: Storage and distribution
Document type:
Language: English
A list of key points that should be followed by all storage facilities along the supply chain to ensure quality health commodities for the end user.... Read more
Technical area: Storage and distribution
Document type:
Language: French