Improving Supply Chains for Community Case Management of Pneumonia and
Other Common Diseases of Childhood (SC4CCM), a five year learning project
implemented by JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc., is ending this
week. SC4CCM’s goal was to identify proven, simple, affordable solution to
address the unique supply chain challenges of community health workers
(CHWs). Working with government integrated community case management (iCCM) programs in Ethiopia, Malawi, and Rwanda, SC4CCM tested supply chain
interventions aimed at improving supply chain practices and access to
medicines so CHWs can treat common childhood illnesses like pneumonia,
malaria, diarrhea, and malnutrition.
The SC4CCM project experience demonstrates that simple solutions do exist
to overcome supply chain constraints at the community level, transform
supply chain practices to strengthen and improve supply chain performance,
and even significantly improve product availability when products are
present in the overall system.
Watch a short video about SC4CCM’s experience testing simple and affordable
innovations to overcome supply chain bottlenecks at the community level.
Read about SC4CCM’s Lessons on Scale, Institutionalization and
Read about SC4CCM’s Findings on Strengthening Community-Level Supply Chains
SC4CCM End of Project Resources Available