Share Your Stories of Supply Chain Accomplishments!

To celebrate the great work done by supply chain professionals, we want to hear your stories of professional accomplishments and how you made them happen. Through these stories we can build stronger connections, inspire each other, and help our colleagues find solutions to their own challenges.

Please send IAPHL your stories of supply chain achievements – whether your own, as part of a team, or that of another IAPHL member. Tell us about an immediate or long term success– the extra mile you went to do the job right, how you avoided a stock out, the time you saved resources, a better system you developed, how you handled a difficult situation, or a discovery you made. We will post a selection of these on the listserv and on our web page for everyone to see. Let’s celebrate our achievements both big and small!


We look forward to hearing about and sharing your accomplishments in the supply chain management field!

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