This document describes a logistics management unit, how it can be structured, the reasons for advocacy, and suggestions on how to begin. Also included are illustrations using country examples.... Read more
Technical area:
Document type: Technical briefs
Language: English
Describes the key lessons the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT has learned in its efforts to strengthen national supply chains for laboratory supplies.... Read more
Technical area:
Document type: Technical briefs
Language: English
The Human Resources Management Assessment Approach is designed to guide policy-makers, managers, and human resources practitioners toward better understanding and responding to the HRM challenges facing their health systems. The approach promotes the collection and analysis of information on defined HRM challenges and informs the development of policy, strategy, systems,... Read more
Author: Capacity Plus, Jim McCaffery, Training Resources Group, Inc. (TRG), Margaret Caffrey, Liverpool Associates in Tropical Health (LATH), Paul Marsden, Liverpool Associates in Tropical Health (LATH)
Technical area: Human resources
Document type:
Language: English
The purpose of this guide is to inform those carrying out a program that is financed through a Global Fund grant of the policies and principles that govern the procurement and supply management of health products financed by the Global Fund.... Read more
Technical area: Procurement
Document type:
Language: English
The Association for Operations Management (APICS) developed the Supply Chain Manager Competency Model to guide individuals considering careers in supply chain management, supply chain professionals seeking to advance their positions, and human resource managers who are hiring in this fast growing field.... Read more
Author: The Association for Operations Management (APICS)
Technical area: Human resources
Document type:
Language: English