Quantification of Public Health Commodities Toolkit

Quantification is a key logistics function, involving forecasting and supply planning, that helps mobilize and allocate the resources necessary for the procurement of public health commodities. This toolkit aims to build and strengthen the capacity of health service providers, researchers, and program managers, among others, by providing important quantification information and... Read more

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The Logistics Handbook: A Practical Guide for the Supply Chain Management of Health Commodities; Chapter 10: Logistics System Design

The Logistics Handbook, updated in 2011, offers practical guidance in managing the supply chain, with an emphasis on health commodities. This chapter on System Design outlines the context, process, considerations, and guidelines for designing a logistics system as well as the technical aspects related to system design and implications of... Read more

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The Logistics Handbook: A Practical Guide for Supply Chain Management of Health Commodities; Chapter 7: Health Commodity Procurement

The Logistics Handbook, offers practical guidance in managing the supply chain, with an emphasis on health commodities. This chapter of the handbook details the procurement process for the public health sector, stakeholder involvement, common challenges, and the procurement manager’s role in supporting health commodity procurement.... Read more

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Monitoring and Evaluation Indicators for Assessing Logistics Systems Performance

This document describes several indicators that are useful tools in monitoring and evaluating a logistics system for reproductive health commodities. These indicators can be used to measure the availability of commodities in a health facility, the performance of the logistics system, and, ultimately, commodity security.... Read more

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The Logistics Handbook: A Practical Guide for the Supply Chain Management of Health Commodities

The Logistics Handbook offers practical guidance in managing the supply chain, with an emphasis on health commodities. It is intended to help program managers who design, manage, and assess logistics systems for health programs. In addition, policymakers, system stakeholders, and anyone working in logistics will also find it helpful as... Read more

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Le Manuel de logistique: guide pratique à l’attention des responsables de la chaîne d’approvisionnement dans le cadre des programmes de santé et de planification familiale

Le Manuel de logistique reprend les principaux aspects de la gestion logistique, avec un accent sur les produits contraceptifs. Le texte devrait s’avérer utile aux responsables qui travaillent quotidiennement avec des approvisionnements, ainsi qu’aux responsables chargés d’évaluer et de concevoir des systèmes logistiques pour des programmes en entier. Les principaux... Read more

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Guidelines for Managing the Malaria Supply Chain: A Companion to the Logistics Handbook

A practical guidebook on supply chain management with an emphasis on antimalarial health products. The text should be helpful to program managers who design, manage, and assess logistics systems for malaria programs. Policy makers, system stakeholders, and others whose jobs relate to antimalarial product supply chains will also find this... Read more

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The Contraceptive Forecasting Handbook for Family Planning and HIV/AIDS Prevention Programs

This is a reference book for forecasting commodity needs for family planning and HIV/AIDS prevention programs. It includes information regarding methodological considerations, data sources, techniques, preparation, validation, and monitoring forecasts of consumption and forecasting for new programs.... Read more

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