By kpeuquet on November 9th, 2015

In 2015, IAPHL has sponsored 8 members to attend the 8th Annual Global Health Supply Chain Summit (GHSCS) in Dakar, Senegal. IAPHL’s sponsored participants included Dagim Mengistu (Ethiopia), David Nyarko (Ghana), Mohamed Musa (Sudan), Adam Rassa (Tanzania), Onojo Otowo (Nigeria), Biayi Franck  (DRC), Celestino Kuchena (Zimbabwe) and Zahran Hamad (Zanzibar). Participants are able to choose from several different tracks each day.

The summit will focus on coordination – bringing together the people, products and processes to maximize the impact of global health supply chains. Participants will hear about case studies, strategies, and frameworks for coordination of global health supply chains from practitioners and academics that will draw on examples from both public sector and private sector applications.

To explore these topics in depth, as in previous conferences the summit will assemble a collection of practitioners and experts in the field including academics, country planners, NGOs, logistics practitioners, pharmaceutical industry and donor representatives. The schedule includes two days of presentations and discussions and one day tutorials in the following two topics: (i) Process Improvement, and (ii) Managing the public and private collaboration.
IAPHL at GHSCS Dakar“I am attending the 8th Global Health Supply Chain Summit courtesy of IAPHL and it has been so insight-provoking. I relate to the presentations and the peer-to-peer focus is very effective. I have learned how much more we can learn by capturing ‘unstructured data’ for analysis during decision making as well as integrating processes through collaborative planning.” Celestino Kuchena

“Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude thanksto IAPHL for chance they giving me to attend the very important event (the 8th global summit on supply chain), without your support my attendance could not be happened. Secondly, my immersion on the 1st day activities and lesson I learn, I really was surprised by the gap in supply chain by what IBM is looking forward to achieve and what we have in our countries, but by hearing the Tanzanian experiences I gain hope that a lot of work can be done in our countries still to improve our supply chain. I understood the impact of eLMIS and how it can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the SC despite the challenges that facing implementation. Today I came across many experiences in SC, transformation and country trials to perform better SC. Finally, although the day was full, the organization was still very nice and made it easier and comfort. I took lots of messages and knowledge with great experiences.” Mohammed Y.A. Musa

“Voici la synthèse de mon intervention: Concernant l’intervention de Timothy Wood  présentant un modèle efficace appliqué aux USA, j’ai souligné le fait que compte tenu de la différence évidente des contextes américains et Africains en général, du point de vue des infrastructures,des ressources humaines de la poussée technologique……le modèle présente ne semble pas être un modèle pour les pays Africains,il faudra être confronté aux réalités de l’Afrique pour adopter des stratégies qui pourront des résultats.En ce qui concerne les aspects de benchmarking avec l’expérience de l’ACAME présenté par Dr Assih ,il est essentiel de  qu’en face des contraintes liées aux lois des pays qui imposent des procédures longues et lourdes,il faut trouver des solutions (car les lois se changent pas aisément ) comme la mise en place d’une préqualification continue qui evitera de lancer haque fois les marchés ,c’est l’experience que la RDC vient de mettre en place à travers la FEDECAME.” Biayi​ Franck

“This is  one of the best conference I have ever participated in. It widens my view and scope on the public health supply chain management. I have got a knowledge on how to improve my country’s supply chain management processes with the resource in hand since I’m living in a resource limited country and how could we improve the public-private partnership for the benefit and well-being of the society.” Dagim Mengistu




IAPHL at the 8th Annual Global Health Supply Chain Summit